
How to Use Chalk to Share The Gospel While Social Distancing

M.L. Smith

Easter is a great holiday to engage your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers with the hope of the gospel. Most people in Western nations celebrate this holiday in some way, so it is a great connection point.

Normally, you get an opportunity from God to love people by inviting them to church, having them over for a special meal and getting into conversations about the true reasons for the season.

This year will look a little different. It is April 2020 as I write this, and the whole world is — how to put it delicately — the world is collectively going THROUGH it with COVID-19.

Now, more than ever, people need hope. They need to hear that God has not abandoned them, is with them and is for them.

Some Obstacles

In most places, group gatherings have been banned. If you need to go out in public, you must stay six feet away from others. Many church services have been moved online, which proves difficult for older congregations, for low-income communities that lack consistent internet and for people who have never gone to church and are seeking answers with nowhere to turn.

A Solution

God wants to use you in the mission field He has you in right now — that is, in your neighborhood. There is a simple, fun, kid-friendly way to engage your neighbors with the gospel. This innovative (not to mention hip) method of outreach is: sidewalk chalking.

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a sidewalk chalk evangelism journey for your neighborhood that fosters community and can connect your neighbors to your local church.

  1. Map out what you want your journey to say. Are you wondering, “How do I share the gospel clearly and concisely?” That’s a good question! Use the GodTools app to find three tools that lay out the gospel in four easy steps: the Four Spiritual Laws, Honor Restored and Knowing God Personally booklets.

  2. Get chalk and some helpers. This is a great activity to involve your kids in.

  3. Start chalking! It’s OK if it doesn’t look amazing. Two simple cheats: go over your letters twice, then outline them in a different color. It makes it look fancy and nice.

  4. Include a gentle, kind question. At the end of the journey, ask a question to make the reader reflect on the journey. Refrain from judgmental or condescending questions.

  5. Connection Point. If your neighborhood has a name or you want to create one, add a note about connecting online (I used the hashtag #JesusLovesEagleCreek). That way, if someone has questions or wants to connect further, they can add a picture on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag and you can get connected. If you’re extra brave, you can put your Instagram handle down.

  6. Church Promo. Finally, add a way for people to connect to a local church. Include a “Want to join us for church online?” question and mention the Facebook page for your church and the service times.

  7. Pray. Pray that the Lord will use your evangelism and outreach journey to draw more and more of your neighbors to Him.

Extra Pro-Tip. As you’re chalking, if people walk by and stop, initiate with them while keeping the proper social distance. Ask them how they are doing and how the past few weeks have been for them. Try to get into a spiritual conversation. A great introduction to a spiritual conversation is, “We’re doing this as a spiritual outreach to our neighbors. What is your spiritual background?”

Please follow all national, state and county regulations. If you can't leave your porch, then think of that as your place to decorate!

Sidewalk Chalking In Action

Scroll up on the photos below to see the sidewalk chalking journey we did!

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