New Growth - A Follow Up Series

Is God in My Life Right Now?

How do I know that I have really begun a relationship with God?

Did it rely on my effort to be good? Or what I said in my prayer? Or how I feel now?

Actually it’s none of the above.

You have a relationship with God because He offered it to you. You simply responded to Him in faith.

The key to feeling confident in your relationship with God is keeping the emphasis on what He did, rather than what you will or won’t do in the future.

“By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

What does this verse from the Bible mean?

“By grace” means God’s undeserved kindness toward us.

“Saved” means being brought out of eternal separation from God and into eternal relationship with Him.

“Through faith” means placing our trust in Jesus Christ alone to forgive our sins.

  1. Did you place your faith (trust) in Jesus Christ alone to make you right with God?
  2. Did you receive his gift of forgiveness?

If you’ve said yes to those two questions, then welcome to God’s family.

So what now?

Many things happened when you made a decision to believe in Jesus Christ and received His gift of forgiveness. The Bible says that you have a new identity as a child of God. This means that things inside you have changed and will continue to change as you follow Him.

The Christian faith was not designed as a solo endeavor. God designed us to depend on Him and rely on one another. Who has God placed in your life that you can talk to about your questions and the challenges you’ll face in following Jesus?

Visit this site to learn more about your new relationship. 


Jesus, thank you for your gift of forgiveness and for my new relationship with you. I trust you. Please help me to know you better and grow in my faith. Amen


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