Beginning With God

What Are the Defining Moments in Your Life?

Hope N. Griffin

Our lives are filled by defining moments. These moments shape who we are and who we will become.

Here are a few of my defining moments:

  • Choosing a college.
  • Meeting my husband.
  • The birth of my children.
  • My daughter’s cancer diagnosis.
  • My husband enlisting in the Army.

Not every defining moment is a choice. Some are intentionally thought out, some are the results of past decisions and some just happen to us.  

The Big Defining Moment

Your decision to follow Jesus is a defining moment of who you are and who you will become. It happens at an intentional point in time when you place your faith in Jesus instead of in yourself for the forgiveness of your sins. By His grace, you are now able to live your life in a new way. As Christians, our lives are made up of many defining moments that affect how we live. They come from decisions made in faith — both big and small.

Jesus had a defining moment that affected everyone who ever lived. This choice was not an easy one to make, but He submitted to follow God’s plan even to the Cross.

Before Jesus was betrayed and crucified, He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.

“Going a little farther, He fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from Him. ‘Abba, Father,’ He said, ‘everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will’” (Mark 14:35-36, New International Version).

It’s not always easy to choose to follow God. Like Jesus, we are often asked to do what feels impossible.

Step Into the Impossible

What is God calling you away from or toward? If you sense God’s voice asking you to do what is uncomfortable, or even impossible, don’t shut that voice out. Explore it. Hold it up to Scripture. Seek out a Christian mentor. Don’t harden your heart to the possibilities.

The next step you take could be a defining moment.

Take the next step and sign up for the Lent email devotional series here.

Read “Are You Spiritually Sleeping?” and ask yourself if you’re avoiding the next step because it’s uncomfortable.

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