Urban Immersion™

Urban Immersion Chicago

Share the Good News. Serve the Poor.

Week 1: March 10-15, 2019
Week 2: March 17-22, 2019


The cost covers housing, materials, training, ministry experiences, continental breakfasts, and dinners. You will need spending cash for lunch each day and gasoline/parking.

Urban Immersion™ in Chicago features a partnership with the campus ministry! Participants spend time on urban campuses and at inner-city partner churches sharing the gospel. The week is a combination of evangelism and learning about serving the poor in the city.


Urban Immersion Chicago — CLICK HERE.

Agape Community Center:

The Agape Community Center is owned by Cru®. It is our central meeting place during Urban Immersion. Most of our meetings, training and celebrations will take place there. Some campus groups will be housed there. Many groups will have the opportunity to minister there throughout the week. For more about the Agape Community Center visit this section on our Inner City Chicago website.


You are responsible for your own automobile transportation during Urban Immersion. Groups should either coordinate rides using their own cars or plan to rent vehicles upon arrival to Chicago via plane or train.

Things to Bring:

Bible, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, towel, gym shoes, work clothes, casual wear, money for lunches, gas and other minor expenses.

Sample Schedule

  • Sunday
  • Monday
        Evangelism Training and Outreach
        Red Line Vision Tour
        Dinner in Chinatown
  • Tuesday
        Campus Outreach or Urban Church Ministry
        Dinner and Night on the Town — Free Time!
  • Wednesday
        Biblical Worldview Discussion
        Campus Outreach or Urban Church Ministry
        Worship/Testimony Service
  • Thursday
        Campus Outreach or Urban Church Ministry
        Final Celebration
  • Friday
        Clean up and out by 10 a.m.

What Kind of Ministry Will We Be Doing?

You will share the gospel on Metro college campuses, energizing established movements or helping to launch new movements.

Example: Twelve students from Jackson State University use surveys to share the gospel in the food court at Chicago State University helping to launch an IMPACT movement there.

You will also serve alongside urban churches/ministries as they minister to kids, teens, adults and seniors who are in need.

Example: Fifteen students from Denton Bible Church do a work project at Bethel Lutheran in the morning, painting walls in their activity center. In the afternoon these 15 students serve at LaVillita Community Church's after-school program for 1st-6th graders. They play games with kids, help them with their homework, and facilitate a Bible lesson.

You will also participate in way-of-life evangelism — sharing the gospel as a part of everyday life.

Example: Eight students from University of Arizona take a two-hour ride on public transportation sharing the gospel with people as they go. Or these students take their clothes to the laundromat sharing the gospel while they wait for their clothes to dry.


At the Harold Washington College cafeteria Ian and I did a survey with an African-American guy named Robert. He wanted to know more, so we went through the gospel tract and spoke with him for a while — good discussion. He received Christ into his life! He's now planning on attending Crusade services.

This was my first time experiencing anyone coming to Christ — very unexpected and encouraging. God showed me what he can do when I am feeling incapable and inadequate.

— Andrea from Truman State University

We were out on the town for our free time. We met a homeless man named Roland outside of Dunkin' Donuts and bought him some food and talked to him. He asked us to pray with and for him. We believed him when he told us he was a Christian and loved the Lord. And now he spends his days telling young people to stay in school and put God first in their lives.

He had so little but still loved the Lord and claimed that his residency is in heaven, not here. It really made me realize how much I take for granted everyday when God's the most important thing.

— Maryann from James Madison University

Contact Persons:
Marc Henkel
City Co-Director • Inner City Chicago
(773) 821-7060

Andy Brandt
Chicago Metro Team
(734) 306-3597

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