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Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Blessy Paul

Blessy Paul

Staff Member in Mangalore, India

In addition to campus ministry, Blessy Paul has written two books in the Malayalam language, including one based on the life of David. She has a master's degree in Biblical studies. She works alongside her husband, Siby. They have two sons: Joshua and Jonathan.

Why did you join Cru?
One day I went to the house of a friend and explained the gospel to her. She said, "Blessy, if you had not come here today to share this, I would have committed suicide." This incident changed my life; I understood the transforming power of the gospel. I decided to serve the Lord full time with Cru's ministry in India.

To improve ministry, have you changed something in the last year?
I just finished my master's degree in Biblical studies the previous year, so I wanted to apply my new insights as fast as possible. But it was a time of persecution for the ministry. I had to slow down, keep seeking His face and renew my commitment. God's schedule was different. I learned to be more flexible to the divine direction.

What is a favorite ministry moment?
The first time I went to a campus, I was very apprehensive since I was not confident in English. That day I met a group of four students. To my amazement, as I read through the Four Spiritual Laws, all of them prayed and received Christ through their tears. That day I understood that it is His business to attract people to Himself. I am a mere instrument in His hands.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.
In 2005, we sold most of our things to go to the International School of Theology-Asia. But we had to wait for our visa, so we continued ministry for a year in a house without any furniture. Then the embassy literally burned after they filed our visa application. In the midst of that bare minimum existence, I managed to write a book in Malayalam [one of the Indian languages], even without a real table to write on. Then one night, I was praying for money to publish the book and was reminded of Isaiah 55:8, that His ways are higher than my ways. Just three hours later, a long-time friend called and said he wanted to send money to publish the book. Within 24 hours we got the money.

Do you have a favorite quote?
"Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God." -- William Carey

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