Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Jessica Bott

Jessica Bott

Northeast Region Conferences and Events Specialist

Work Experience:
6 years with Campus Crusade
Boston Winter Conference
Intern Kick-off Weekend
Northeast Regional Staff Conference
Local Level Leaders Conference
Oasis Women's Retreat

What is your favorite part of your job?
I love the process of putting the events together and more so, I am amazed by the way God uses the final product. It's fun to watch the transformation the Gospel causes in the lives of students and staff alike.

How does your job connect with the Great Commission?
I plan and execute events for staff, interns/STINTers and students that provide opportunities for these individuals to connect with God, one another and the mission of Campus Crusade for Christ.

How did God call you to your position?
God used the Campus Crusade conferences I attended while in college to capture my heart. It was during those times that I understood His love for me, the lost and His desire to use my life to impact the world for His Kingdom. I still can't believe that I actually get to do this with my life!

Why is your job needed?
I have found that it's critical for people to move away from their daily routine to connect deeply with God. Planning these events is essential in helping busy people take a break from the distractions of life, so that they can focus wholly on God- worshipping and being refreshed by Him.

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