Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Lina Galizia

Lina Galizia

Field Staff

Lina joined Campus Crusade for Christ 35 years ago. For 20 years she and her husband were the only staff members in Uruguay. Her husband, Rodolfo, was the national director of Uruguay. He died on June 4, 2006 of pancreatic cancer. Lina continues his ministry as the national representative for Uruguay.  The ministry in Uruguay celebrated 40 years in 2007.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
Campus Crusade in Uruguay was started by a couple from Argentina who visited my church and they explained what Campus Crusade was doing.  I said, "Wow, I can learn how to share the gospel with other students?" I had never learned how to share the gospel, so I was enthusiastic. I got involved as a first-year college student.

What is favorite ministry moment?
Rodolfo and I got married in March, and then in May we got to go to Dallas for EXPLO 72 [a Christian conference sponsored by Campus Crusade]. There were 80,000 people from all over the world and we were the national representatives of Uruguay. The last night all of us had a candle and we sang songs all together. I can feel my skin breaking out in goose bumps even now.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?
Uruguay is unique from all the other countries in Latin America. It is a secular country. At the end of the last century, the government prohibited speaking about God in school. When my children went to school, if they wrote the word "God" in a composition, the teacher would cross out the word and say, "You cannot use the word God in school." Or if they put stickers on their notebooks that said, "God loves you" the teacher would take them. So when we talk about the gospel, it is not easy. People reject the Word and talk about the atheistic philosophy they were taught in school - socialism and Marxism.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?
One of my objectives since last year when my husband passed away is to speak to one person about Jesus each day. I am linked to eternity because my husband died. And I want to show people that when we accept Jesus into our lives, God also gives us eternal life.

What do you think makes a successful leader?
A leader must influence others instead of controlling them. A leader should live a holy life that is committed to the Lord and have integrity. Your followers will see that integrity and want to do the same and follow the Lord.

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