Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Gertrude Ahiataku

Gertrude Ahiataku

Staff member national office in Ghana

Gertrude Ahiataku became a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ in October of 2003. She currently serves as the finance manager for the national team in Ghana. Gertrude is also a lay preacher in her local church. A native Ghanaian, she is married to Nelson and has one son, Paul.

What are you presently learning about God?

No matter what I'm going through now, no matter what I'm facing at the office or at home, what God has said will come to pass. God's Word is not my word or somebody else's word that changes. I can trust it. It keeps me at peace knowing that the God I serve is a God of truth. It's made me put my mind on who He is rather than what I see or hear around me.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?

I see my work as essential to the ministry. I support the field staff members. When their [financial] support comes in, I handle it. Every month I make sure they get their salaries at the right time so that they won't be worried and will have money to eat or to get transportation to the campus. Then they can concentrate on their work to build movements on campus.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?

At the beginning of the year, our national director did some trainings for the new staff members. He encouraged me to join them. Going through it, I learned specific things that apply to my role. Before, I would come to the office and go straight to what I was doing. Now I have a different perspective and challenge myself to spend some time reading or doing the training materials to improve what I am doing. The training helped me work more efficiently and do my work better.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.

First, when I took over for my previous boss, I wondered how I would be able to do it. I prayed about it. God has made me more able, and now I am able to train the new staff members when they come to work in the office.

Also, while I was on maternity leave, I wasn't able to go out much. My husband was in a different region. At the end of the month, we didn't have any money. One day, one of our friends from church had paid for food. We were so surprised. We were struggling to get money, and God provided.

What do you do for fun?

I take delight in being fit, and it relieves tension. I like reading books and singing hymns.

What is your favorite quote?

When I was entering the university, I was advised by a mentor [who said], "With consistency, persistency, perseverance and determination one can reach anywhere in life that God has purposed for him or her." These words give me energy whenever I'm relaxing in anything I do.

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