Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Julie Hurst

Juliest Hurst

Associate Director of Simplebulldog Studio*

Work Experience:
6 years with Campus Crusade
Photography shoot in New Orleans
Campus Mission 2007 promo video/brochure
Dallas Winter Conference promo videos
"Soularium" a new image survey
"The Search" a short film

What is your favorite part of your job?
Everything - really. Photography, video, traveling with my team, and telling stories, through various kinds of media, of the great things God has done around the world.

How does your job connect with the Great Commission?
Our team creates and produces tools that will engage the hearts and minds of students worldwide in spiritual dialogue.

How did God call you to your position?
While I was serving as campus staff God gave me a strong desire to pursue further education in the design field; after a few years of continued learning God opened the door for me to join Simplebulldog.

Why is your job needed?
In a generation that is bombarded with media and visual stimulation, we want to present Christ in a language they understand.  We do this by creating media tools that can be used by staff around the world who are continually looking for ways to enter into spiritual conversations with students.

* Simplebulldog Studio is a film, video, and photography team committed to creating innovative media tools for the Campus Ministry.

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