Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre John Mundia Nkunge


John Mundia Nkunge

Campus Director, Nairobi University, Kenya

John became a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ in 2003 following an internship. Currently he is the campus director at Nairobi University. John married Katy Michelle, a staff member from South Africa, in December 2007. John speaks 3 languages and enjoys camping, traveling and watching movies.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
When I was on campus, I went to a conference. Through my interactions with students from all over Africa at that conference and at the university, I began to see the need for someone to train them, to mentor them, and to help them through the challenges they go through in all the stages of life. That was really my motivation.

What is a favorite ministry moment?

Last year, we had the Pamoja Africa conference. We brought to Kenya about 3,500 students and young professionals from 39 countries. I was responsible for coordinating things, like travel arrangements, accommodations and partnerships. To me that was the best moment, seeing the students from all over the world together and affecting their lives by organizing an event.

What are you presently learning about God?

God is really teaching me many things about leadership, self-awareness and self-discovery. He has a great plan for me and has made me unique with talents and skills for a purpose. It's leading me to discover where I can be more effective for God and where I should focus more of my energy, where I can have the best contribution instead of doing everything that comes my way.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?

I have discovered that there are things that students need to do and there are the things that I need to do myself as a staff member. I am concentrating more on mentoring the leaders and helping them do the things they are supposed to do, like evangelism and discipleship. I'm focusing more now on developing and mentoring leaders and helping raise resources and manpower instead of doing everything on campus.

What do you think makes a successful leader?

A successful leader is one who knows and understands God 's purpose for him or her and then pursues it. It takes integrity, diligence and character for a leader to leave a legacy. I think there are some students that need to be leaders, but they don't know it for themselves. They are shy, but I am able to see potential from their commitment, their availability, and from mentoring them and helping them discover some of these traits for themselves.

Do you have a favorite quote?

My favorite quote says, "Good is the enemy of the best." It reminds me not to settle for sub-standard things, but to go for excellence.

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