Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Chris Lawrence

Chris Lawrence

Writer for Worldwide Challenge

Work Experience:
4 years with Campus Crusade
Story about a wrestler in Guatemala working with Athletes in Action
Story about the Greek ministry at Ole Miss
Story about an orphanage in Uganda

What is your favorite part of your job?
The many travels that I get to go on are pretty fun. I also have a chance to see what God is doing around the world through Campus Crusade for Christ and experience different cultures.

How does your job connect with the Great Commission?
We need to capture stories about all that God is doing through Campus Crusade for Christ, which has a ministry presence in about 200 countries through over 30 ministries. We desire to motivate people to action as they are encouraged by the stories they read in the magazine.

How did God call you to your position?
I felt called to spend at least a year doing missions work after I graduated from college. I didn't like the idea of moving to Florida, but I knew that I needed to be open to what God has in store for me. It was during my interview and first year in Orlando, that God impressed it on me to become a staff member of Campus Crusade.

Why is your job needed?
We need to hear modern day Bible stories about how God is at work. He is doing striking things through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Worldwide Challenge  is the award-winning bi-monthly publication of Campus Crusade for Christ

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