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Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Cynthia Massie

Cynthia Massie

Development Coordinator: Here's Life Inner City, Chicago

Cynthia Massie is the Development Coordinator for the Here's Life Inner City team in Chicago. She also works with the after-school program at HLIC's Agape Community Center and helps with office administration. She is the wife of City Director, Milton Massie. Cynthia and Milton have been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ since 1986. They have 2 children, Zach and Sarah.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?

I help with the evangelism trainings we hold at inner-city churches we network with. At this last one, a lady caught the vision, went back and held an evangelism training for her entire church. That's going to springboard into many more people hearing about Christ.

What is a favorite ministry moment?

Howard is a college student that grew up in the neighborhood and started coming to the Agape Center when he was in high school. He has really caught the vision for discipleship. That's exciting to me, to see him committed and being here even when no one shows up. I enjoy the times he comes to the house and sits in the kitchen and talks with me while I'm making dinner. He's like a son. His desire is to be the next director of the Agape Center.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?

The biggest challenge for me is staying focused and doing what I do well instead of trying to be everything to everybody. I'm so scattered being married, having a child at home, being asked to mentor. There are a lot of needs in our community. I want to do it all, but I need to connect kids and parents with other people, in our church, for instance.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.

We worked with a great-grandmother of children who came to the Agape Center. When she passed away, the details were bigger than anything I could have done. I remember going to pay for her burial plot at the bank, and I remember crying because I knew the bank manager wasn't going to approve it. As I was going, God gave me a sense that He was preparing a way for me. When I got there, the manager said, "I was expecting you," and I had never met him before.

Do you have a favorite quote?

It's from Socrates, my 5th grade teacher told it to me. "To try and fail is at least to learn. To fail to try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what could have been." I told it to [my daughter] Sarah, and she knows it now.

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