Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Jeff Meyer

Jeff Meyer

Assistant Director of Corporate Accounts

Work Experience:
20 years on staff
Consolidated monthly financial statements for all of Campus Crusade for Christ
Worked on annual audit
Works on monitoring accounts and ministry financial balances

What is your favorite part of your job?
I get to use the skills that God has given me. I also enjoy having a world impact, reaching people for Christ.

How does your job connect with the Great Commission?
My job allows more Campus Crusade for Christ ministry to happen. The work that I do frees up staff from needing to spend extra time on financial tasks, so they have more time to devote to people and the gospel. It also provides information to leadership, which helps them to make ministry-related decisions.

How did God call you to your position?
I did a summer project at Campus Crusade for Christ's world headquarters while I was in college. It was then that my vision of Campus Crusade for Christ was expanded. I realized that I had skills to fill a need.

Why is your job needed?
My job relates to the financial infrastructure for the ministry. It helps to facilitate stewardship (making sure we are making good use of the funds available to us) and integrity (making sure funds are being used according to their intended purpose). This provides credibility for our ministry to others, as well as, helps ministry leaders make better decisions regarding ministry opportunities.

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Bailleurs de fonds

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