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Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Oliver Marin

Oliver Marin

Campus Ministry: Universidad Tecnologica de Panama

Oliver Marin began working with the campus ministry in January 2007. Originally from Santiago, Panama, he graduated from the University of Panama with a degree in tourism. Oliver enjoys singing, playing guitar and writing songs for his band Contratiempo as well as reading, traveling and watching movies.

What is your favorite ministry moment?
I approached Gustavo who was sitting on a bench at the university and started talking to him about the love of Jesus. He was really disappointed and frustrated and thinking about how bad life was. He felt he was losing his life because he was without purpose. Last Sunday, he was talking in front of many people and said that was one of the most important things and that the Lord was changing his life. Sometimes I can be disappointed with ministry because it's not easy, but when I see things like that, it erases all the bad things in my mind.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?
We are really good at leading people to Christ, and we are getting better about discipleship, but the challenge is sending. Panama is a multicultural country. We have people from the different parts of the world. The challenge is to give them the vision to go to other areas and share the gospel there. That's why we want to motivate the people from the Dominican Republic [in a project later this fall] to go with us to other countries.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?
I discovered a new resource to do evangelism that is so good. It is called Soularium. It's working so well here in Panama. I used to just use the Four Spiritual Laws when I went out on campus. For me, Soularium's like a pre-evangelistic tool. The person starts the conversation with you, and they feel more comfortable. Then I share the Four Spiritual Laws.

How do you help build spiritual movement everywhere?
I am committed to the vision of reaching the world. It's really important to not lose focus of the Great Commission because we can do it. The Lord has spoken to me about serving my country, recruiting many people and giving them opportunities. I think it is really important to be connected with other countries, knowing what is going on and what they need. We give this vision to the students in Panama in order to make them feel that they are part of the Great Commission and to motivate them to go to other countries.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
I joined Campus Crusade for Christ because my life was really changed. I received Jesus through this ministry 6 years ago. My family saw what the Lord was doing in me - I was so different and not doing what I used to do before - and has also been transformed. I definitely believe thegospel can change people. When I thought about what I was going to do with the rest of my life, I saw that this was the best deal. For me, it was like a call from the Lord.

Do you have a favorite quote?
I know it better in Spanish. I think in English is says something like, "I will never do something really big if I compare it to what Jesus did for me." It's by C.T. Studd.

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