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Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Mike Kelly

Mike Kelly

U.S. Campus Ministry: National Director for Nations

Mike and Julie, married since 1990, live in Bozeman, Mont., with their 4 kids Elaine, Eric, Sean and Ryan as well as a labrador retriever named Rusty. Mike has been a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ since the summer of 1989. His favorite summer assignment is the Alaska Men's Summer Project.

What are you presently learning about God?

I am learning more in the area of God's sovereignty. In the mundane, humanness of life, I am realizing that God is sovereign and in control of all things. Often times I can't always make all of the connections of what God is doing and how He is working. But, I am realizing that He is at work and He is faithful no matter what.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?

The biggest thing that I am trying to come to terms with is how do I make sure that I do the vital things as opposed to things that are good. As a leader, I think that is hard to do. You can get spread so thin. So many things seem good, but are they really vital things toward the mission that I have been called to?

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?

We realize that we are incomplete, less beautiful as a body of Christ, without ethnic diversity. Rather than approach our "audience" with a condescending posture, we see that God has called us to approach the Native-American community as those created in His image with so much to offer.

What do you do for fun?

I love the outdoors, especially when we are able to do it together as a family. Hiking, boating, fishing, camping and skiing as a family is a highlight. Fly-fishing is a personal passion of mine that I love.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?

I feel like I do that by honoring and serving, natives especially. They are the leaders. I can't lead what is going to be a Native-American ministry or movement. They need to be encouraged, served and lifted up.

The other aspect is training our traditional Campus Crusade staff members so that they will be able to approach and effectively do ministry among natives.

What is a favorite ministry moment?

I think of Nick Ross, a native student involved with Nations at Montana State University. He was involved with Nations for 3 years and then, about a year ago, came to Christ.  The thing that is really cool is that I am just an observer of what God is doing. I get to see God's work in a person's life as I love them and care about them.

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