Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Renata Ramanauskaite

Renata Ramanauskaite

Campus Ministry: National Director in Vilnius, Lithuania

Renata works as the National Director for Campus Ministry in Vilnius, Lithuania. A 13-year staff member, she has found herself on national television while at music concerts, television shows or in a background shot of a news program about national policy change. Renata speaks Lithuanian, English, Russian and Polish.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
I wanted to give my life to the Lord so that He could use me in other people's lives. I see people suffering hardships and disappointment. I know they will have much worse hardship in eternity. I want to see them come to know Christ personally, so their lives can be changed here and in eternity.

What are you presently learning about God?
I am learning about my need for the gospel. I understand in a fresh way that I need Christ and the gospel every day. My need, for the gospel, did not end the day I accepted Christ. The need for His daily forgiveness is still there.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?

We are still in the process of making changes, but we are focusing on 3 things. We are spending more time on campus connecting with students in creative ways, searching for Christian students that can be leaders on campus, and connecting with Christian students in their last year of high school.


What do you do for fun?
In winter, I like ice-skating. I enjoy dining with friends and then playing table games or watching a movie. In summer, I enjoy outdoor music concerts, especially classical and jazz.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?
We are a relatively young ministry but love to focus on giving our time and service when we can. A couple of summers ago, a group of Lithuanian staff members and students partnered with a British team to help launch a movement on one of the biggest campuses in an unreached area of Russia. We hope to continue doing this in the future. It is a great blessing and privilege for us to be involved in this way.

Do you have a favorite quote?
I like what Dan Allender says in his book, Leading With a Limp; "Living between the 'already' and the 'not yet' gives rise to the tension of living between arrogance and despair. If I don't give in to despair because I've failed -- or to presumption and believe that I am better than I am -- then I'm living in the tension that honors the Resurrection."

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