Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Sandra Samdan

Nergui Samdan

New Life Teacher's Movement in Mongolia

Nergui Samdan serves with the New Life Teacher's Movement in Mongolia. The former Math teacher for a secondary school has been a staff member since 2001. When Nergui first received a Bible, she stayed up all night reading it. She expresses the same passion for telling her fellow Mongolians about Jesus.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?

I became a Christian during the Christian Morals and Ethics Conference in 2000. I was teaching in high school at the time. I starting reading the Bible and growing in Christ.

I can see very clearly that teachers are the key in society. If one teacher comes to Christ, thousands and thousands of students and thousands and thousands of parents are waiting behind them.

What is a favorite ministry moment?

For me to share the good news with teachers is my favorite ministry moment. It makes me happy and strong to share with teachers. Yesterday, the teachers in my small group asked, "How can we be a part of the teachers' movement?"

Only 1 teacher said this week during the convocation that her worldview didn't change. The other 14 have changed their worldview during the teachers' conference. They wanted to accept Jesus. They asked, "How can we have a relationship with the Creator God?" All of them placed their faith in Christ.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?

The Bible says Jesus will come back soon. In Mongolia, the providences are really scattered. You can see that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. It makes it a big challenge.

I would like to use the power of technology to reach out in Mongolia since the providences are so scattered. I have been working with translating a Web site from English into Mongolian. It is a way to do follow-up with the teachers from the conferences.

What are you presently learning about God?

Usually I am facing giants. God is powerful. God is almighty. I can see that God is so faithful every day. Also, I can see that God always goes before each one of us. He is leveling mountains (Isaiah 40:4).

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."  C.T. Studd

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