Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Janiê Sucupira

Janiê Sucupira

Music and Mission Ministry Staff Member in Brazil

Janiê Sucupira has been the director of Campus Crusade for Christ's music ministry in Brazil since 2005 and a full-time staff member since 2004. She has been playing the acoustic guitar ever since she can remember. Also, Janiê plays the bass guitar, sings and plays percussion instruments. She enjoys traveling.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
I learned to play the acoustic guitar and wanted to do more than just play during the worship service at church. I wanted to help reach people for Christ. I knew about Keynote, the music and performing arts ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, and the strategy that they use. I served with Keynote on a summer project in 2003. When I decided to join staff, I came back to the United States for training with them in 2005. I returned to Brazil 6 months later and started the ministry there.

What is a favorite ministry moment?
In 2007, we had a person accept Christ through one of our concerts. Now she is a leader with the campus ministry. For us, it was a very nice thing that we can see how God is working through different things -- not in a box, but with this different strategy. It makes me feel that we are doing the right thing in the right place for the right people in the right moment.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?
I am no longer the only one serving in my ministry. There are 3 more staff members. We train people in the church not just to do the worship services in the church. We will train them to do prison ministry. Also, we partner with other Campus Crusade ministries to do different events. We do this, not just on campus, not just in churches, but also in parks with more of a focus on outreach.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?
I am one of the first pioneering music ministries in Brazil. People have been asking me how to start a music ministry. A girl in Chile and a girl in Argentina both want to start music ministries in their countries. Also, a staff member in Panama has asked me questions about music ministry for his country. My passion is to help people see how God is calling them to use their gifts and talents. Generally, in summer projects I want to help these students to see what God wants them to do with their lives.

What do you do for fun?
I like to play my guitar, hang out with a few friends or just have some time by myself.

What do you think makes a successful leader?
Keep on track to what God is doing. Have passion for what you are doing. Remember that God will make a way when there seems to be no way.

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