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Conversations : Rencontrez le personnel membre Totie Andes

Totie Andes

Athletes in Action staff member in the Philippines

Totie Andes became a believer through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. He graduated with a degree in Business Administration and speaks English, Cebuano and Tagalog fluently.  Totie has worked with Campus Crusade for Christ for 22 years -- primarily serving with the Athletes in Action ministry. He and his wife, Emily, have celebrated 12 years of marriage and they have 4 children -- 2 girls and twin boys.

What do you think makes a successful leader?

L- Listen well -- to God, to people
E- Exalt the Lord Jesus and humble myself
A- Accept mistakes
D- Develop myself and others to lead
E- Encourage people to serve God joyfully with an undivided heart and skillful hand
R- Respect people around me

What are you presently learning about God?

I started to have consistent time with God about 3 years ago. I now read 3 chapters from His word daily. His word is coming to life. Recently, I have been challenged by the idea that, "If Jesus Christ is King, then we are his bond slaves." After thinking about the Kingship of Christ and how I am his bondservant, I began to teach the same lessons in my times with coaches, athletes, and children as well as with my wife.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?

Before I wanted to disciple student leaders, give them what I have and expected to see results immediately.  Now I have learned that discipling leaders is more about seeing and meeting them where they are at.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.

Last October was our Youth Forum, a leadership conference that I initiated to help start the campus ministry in the area. About 40 youth leaders attended. I challenged them to become effective witnesses in the 7 domains of society: family, business, government, education, media, sports & entertainment and the church. Everyday, the Spirit of God was moving and touching lives.

What is the biggest challenge in ministry you face right now?

I have discovered that part of the problem of seeing the body of Christ work together is that the [Christian] leaders themselves are just thinking of building a personal kingdom and being jealous of one another. The lack of unity leads to gossiping and backbiting.

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Discover what you are good at and give it your best."

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