
Senegal - Dakar

Sponsored by Dirigé par Cru en Caroline du Nord

Senegal’s capital, Dakar, sits on the western-most point of the African continent. The country motto is “un Peuple, Un But, Une Foi” – “One People, One Goal, One Faith.” Currently, this motto speaks of Islam, which is practiced by 95% of the population. Animism can also be found among another 1%. The gospel has yet to penetrate the hearts of the people in a real way. Our vision is for the day when Senegalese people will join together from all walks of life to proclaim one faith in Jesus Christ!Awaiting you is an eternally significant opportunity to help take Christ’s message to the people of Senegal. We have the opportunity to share the gospel with 65,000 students who study at the main university in Dakar.

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