
Botswana : Gaborone

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In a land devastated by the AIDS epidemic, this generation of college students is the hope and future of Botswana as well as the rest of Africa. As a stable African nation, Botswana is a beacon of hope for the entire continent. Students at the University of Botswana and other colleges around the country are seeking to follow Christ but need godly role models to show them how to live Biblical and Spirit-led lives. Here you aren’t just talking about God’s love, you are showing it as you serve underprivileged and orphaned children many affected by HIV/AIDs that is prevalent throughout the country. The people of Botswana are ready to hear about Jesus and learn to follow Him––they just need someone to come and tell them how! The University of Botswana is one of the only 4-year universities in the nation, so students come from all over Botswana and other parts of Africa to study there, making it a strategic place for our interns and summer missions students to share their faith. Botswana’s government pays for their citizens’ college education, which means that there are key students here who can be changed by the gospel and then sent out to reach all of Africa. Contact for more information

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