
Grèce - Athènes

Sponsored by Missions globales

Walk in the footsteps of the apostle Paul in the historically rich country of Greece! And much like him, we get to be a part of sharing the gospel with people who are very spiritually lost. Today, as little as 2 out of 1000 people have a relationship with Jesus and college students are often very hardened towards Christianity. Yet they are very hospitable, relational and love to engage in spiritual conversations with us while eating gyros, drinking coffee, or just enjoying some gelato. There is tremendous hope of this generation of young people impacting their country and the countless (often Muslim) refugees who come to Greece from the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Eastern Europe. Be a part of seeing the tide turn as people in Greece turn back to Jesus. See biblical history, visit a Greek island, taste the local cuisine, and share the gospel with some of the most fun students you will ever meet!

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