
Europe de l’Ouest - équipe de l’expédition

Sponsored by Missions globales

ex•pe•di•tion/?eksp??diSH?n/ Noun. A journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, esp. that of exploration or research.

Would you like to be a part of a select team that is tasked with something new and different? Do you have a burden for unreached people? We are launching multiple “Expedition Teams” to explore the unknown and help launch spiritual movements all over Western Europe. God has done much that we are aware of in Western Europe. Yet there are still unknown and unexplored places to understand and where we wish to initiate new spiritual movements. Where is God already at work? Where are there students yearning to follow Jesus and lead movements on their campuses? Where can we help? Where can we encourage?

Specific locations will be determined as the Expedition is closer to launching but we can promise it will be quite an adventure.

These teams will work in a new city each month. Over the course of the year you may be working in 8-10 cities in multiple countries. If you are mature, can handle uncertainty, comfortable with change, have an adventurous spirit, and are a solid team player you should consider applying!

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