
Orlando, FL - histoire internationale développement formateur

Sponsored by StoryRunners

StoryRunners uses a unique ministry method called Chronological Bible Storying. We have selected 42 narrative passages from the Bible and put them into storytelling form. These 42 stories form a panorama of Scripture from the Creation to the Second Coming. Our Vision is to put these 42 stories into 500 languages so that the Unreached Peoples of the world will have access to God's Word in a form they can understand and reproduce. Most of the unreached peoples come from "Oral Tradition Cultures" where storytelling is the normal way to pass on information. As part of a StoryRunners "School of Storying" training team you will be based in Orlando and travel to International locations several times during the year. Each "School of Storying" is three weeks long and you will work with 18 nationals to put the 42 stories into their language. You will also be equipping these nationals to use the stories for evangelism, discipleship and church planting in order to develop growing communities of faith. . When you apply for this position use: US Internship as the position in your applicaiton.

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