Articles on Faith-topics:jesus-christ

What’s in a Name: The Powerful Names of Jesus

Taking time to meditate on the many names of Jesus can enrich your worship.

How to Pray Through Spiritual Warfare

For Christians facing spiritual warfare, prayer can change the way you experience these moments and get through them.

Is Jesus Worth It?

If you have ever honestly wrestled with your faith in God, then the following thoughts are for you.

Just Once

God's love for us doesn't quit just because we are sinners.

Our New Relationship With God

When you made that decision and invited Jesus into your life, it is important to know, did God hear you? Yes. Jesus promised that He would enter our lives, if we ask Him.

No One Understands Jesus: A Study in the Gospel of John

This new 12-week study delves into how and why no one understood Jesus during his earthly life, and the countless ways we struggle to fully understand him today.

God to The Rescue: Christmas Is Just the Beginning

What is Christmas really about, and why do Christians care so much? How does it fit into the story of the Bible?

Advent Daily Devotional - Not What It Seems!

As you long for restored relationships, how does Jesus show you the way to be a redemptive player in His plan to make all things new?

Advent Daily Devotional - The Captive Close to Home

Entering Jesus’ kingdom means letting go of your preconceived ideas of becoming good enough to become part of God’s family.

Advent Daily Devotional - Identity Crisis Averted

When you grow weary in your waiting, you can turn to Scripture for confidence in God’s purposes.

Advent Daily Devotional - Your Wait Is Over!

Christmas reminds us that Christ the Messiah has come! By turning from sin and receiving Him, you too can experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which Christ gives.

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