Holidays - Blog

12 Ideas for Christmas

Use the season to reach out to others

Rich Atkinson

The Christmas season offers a lot of natural bridges to the message of Christ’s love and the gift that He offers us — His forgiveness.

Though certain aspects of the season can distract us, many people are open to attending church and even talking about spiritual things this time of year.

Here are 12 ways you can share Christ’s love with your neighbors, family and friends at Christmas.

  1. Mark the season using an advent calendar. Open one door a day and prepare your heart to worship God for the gift of Christ. Then, begin praying for friends and neighbors who don’t know Christ or who are struggling.
  2. Invite your friend, neighbor or family member to an outreach event — such as a Christmas drama or musical — or a holiday service at your church,
  3. Host a Christmas Gathering to build relationships or get to know your neighbors and co-workers better. Be intentional in having deeper conversations. Along with food and chatting about Christmas traditions, consider giving a toast with a brief talk on the meaning of Christmas.
  4. Initiate spiritual conversations. The Christmas season offers the opportunity to talk about spiritual things naturally. Ask the Lord for opportunities to get to know where your friends or family are spiritually and share the hope you have in Him.
    Some good questions to ask are the following:
    • How are you feeling about the holidays? What are you looking forward to the most? Is anything stressing you out?
    • Are there any ways I can pray for you this season?
    • Did you have any holidays traditions? Did you grow up in a religious family?
  5. Help elderly neighbors by putting up their Christmas lights, taking them shopping or shoveling snow from their walk.
  6. Feed the hungry by volunteering in a soup kitchen, a local rescue mission or by delivering meals to shut-ins. This is a great thing to do with your family, friends or fellow church members.
  7. Make or give clothes to those in need, such as socks, hats, winter coats and blankets through clothing drives.
  8. Give care packages to military personnel that are from your church or community.
  9. Buy Christmas gifts for a needy family, for children at a local children’s home, for those who have a parent in prison or for a child overseas through Operation Christmas Child.
  10. Send Christmas cards that include Bible verses and write a short prayer of blessing over the recipient for the new year.
  11. Visit nursing homes with a group and sing Christmas carols to the patients and help them worship God.
  12. Show your children’s Sunday school class “The Story of Jesus for Children” film to help them understand what Christmas is all about.

Pick a few of these ideas and ask God to help you reach someone new this year with the love and hope of Christ. Keep praying for them all year round.

Spend your time wisely during the hustle and bustle of December by investing in others. The greatest gift anyone could ever receive is knowing Jesus and accepting the forgiveness and eternal life He offers.

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