
12 Ideas for Christmas

The Christmas season is a great time to serve others and share about the hope we have in Christ.

12 Ideas to Show Christ’s Love This Christmas

Make sure to spend your holiday the way God would want. Here are some ideas to get you started.

14 of God's Best Valentines

This Valentine’s Day may you experience God’s love in a deeper way by being reminded of 14 things about His love.

4 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Christmas

Christmas isn’t just about gatherings and to-do lists, it’s also about our hearts. Here are some ideas to help you prepare your heart and mind for the season.

A Different Take on a Beloved Carol

Jesus did not come to liberate us from suffering, but to free our spirits as we go through the suffering that is part of life. He makes it possible for us to connect with God — to know Him personally.

A Welcome Form of Evangelism

Going door-to-door with a Bible may be taboo any other time of the year, but during Christmas Season, singing the gospel is still captivating.

After-Christmas Conversations About Jesus

Just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean you have to stop talking about the greatest gift God has given us in Jesus Christ.

Bringing Easter Back From the Dead

Why does candy sometimes seem more real to me at Easter than the Resurrection?

Can We Really Find True Love?

We go through tremendous effort to find or even just taste love. It is so powerful that for many, the meaning of life is finding true love. But what is love?

Celebrate a “First” This Christmas

This Christmas, you can introduce someone to Jesus in a fresh way.

Unwelcome Delays or Divine Interruptions?

What if instead of viewing interruptions this Christmas as unwelcome delays, you strive to see them as divine opportunities for inviting others into conversations of some spiritual significance?

How to Share Hope at Christmastime

Do you long to have conversations around the gospel but don’t know how to bring them up? Here are four creative ways to help people know the peace and hope of Christ this holiday season.

How to Talk About Christmas

Here are five questions related to the topic of Christmas that you might find of value.

10 Easter Outreach Ideas

Here are 10 outreach ideas for you to use this Easter from staff members of Cru.

Experiencing Easter Through Your 5 Senses

How do we make the Easter message relevant without diluting it? Try these refreshing ideas incorporating all 5 senses.

How to Focus on Heaven, Not Self, This Holiday Season

Do you easily get caught up with to-do lists or find yourself focusing on stuff rather than God or others around the holidays? Here are some helpful reminders.

Forgiving My Dad Set Us Both Free

I didn’t have as much time as I needed with my dad in my early years, but then one day God set things in motion, unexpectedly.

God With Us

Contemplating Jesus’s name Immanuel, which means “God with us,” gives me a reason to hope amid a world beaten down and burdened.

History Starts and Ends With Jesus

Jesus, our Alpha and Omega, existed before Creation and will return to rule forever. He is the consistency for which our hearts long.

How My Husband's Death Changed the Way I See Easter

A young woman’s perspective on resurrection changed after she suddenly became a widow.

Feeling Alone This Christmas?

A military wife shares her struggles and a hopeful reminder.

Killing lambs? Making sense of the Passover meal

Learn what the Passover meal, the setting of the Lord’s supper, means to us today.

Do You Believe You're Loved Enough?

#LOVEDENOUGH: Coming to terms with the “ought-not-to-be-ness” around & inside us.

The Other Christmases

Understandings and celebrations of Christmas differ around the globe. Read how Cru staff members celebrate in Japan, Bulgaria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Move beyond the candy and bunnies and prepare your heart for the true meaning of Easter.

Rescue Is Right Around the Corner

When anxiety or discouragement creeps in, I try to remind myself that rescue is just around the corner. This gives me peace and hope.

Silent Night, Lonely Night

Lessons from Siberia on how to survive, even thrive, in dark days.

How to Choose Your Word of the Year

New Year’s resolutions are a good way to keep with God’s growth plan. Read about what I’ve learned from failing with my resolutions in the past.

This Halloween, Turn the Lights On

Perhaps this Halloween is the perfect opportunity to respond selflessly in love and care for our neighbors, as well as a way to fight our tendency to isolate.

8 Things That Can Help When Mother’s Day Hurts

Mother’s Day can be difficult if you have a broken or strained relationship with your child. One mother shares how she faces the holiday in the midst of her pain and disappointment.

What Christians Miss When They Ignore Halloween

There are ways to make Halloween a day to spread the love of Christ.

What to Put On and Off in the New Year

As the New Year begins, I have been thinking about how we are reminded to take off our old selves and clothe ourselves in our true identity in Christ. We are invited to put on our new identity and then to clothe ourselves with things that suit our new identity, such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

What’s in a Name: The Powerful Names of Jesus

Taking time to meditate on the many names of Jesus can enrich your worship.

Can Christian Growth Come From New Year’s Resolutions?

Making New Year’s resolutions won’t make us better people, but being filled with the Holy Spirit will give us life.

Why I Wore Flip Flops to Easter Sunrise Service

Try this easy outreach in your neighborhood this Easter.

Why You Love Traditions

For some, traditions center around holidays, such as Thanksgiving. But traditions can come in all shapes and sizes.

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