My Story: How My Life Changed

My Story: Alli Hughes

One college freshman finds the answer to life-and-death questions. Now she's giving the answer away.

Alli Hughes with Bryn Gunning

I went through chemo treatments for cancer a year and a half before my freshman year of college.

Through this season of life-and-death situations, I began thinking: What would happen to me if I lived? Or where would I go if I died?

Those questions were on my mind when I moved into the dorms as a freshman at Oregon State University. And immediately, my Resident Advisor began inviting me to Bible studies and Campus Crusade (CRU) weekly meetings.

I had never really heard the gospel message of salvation before, so I was eager to learn about God. I went to these CRU events with the expectation that I would find answers to my nagging questions.

I will never forget one specific night in October of my freshman year. I was sitting at a weekly CRU meeting, and a guy was up front talking about the difference between “having Christ in your life” and “not having Christ in your life.”

As I listened, I could relate to everything he said to describe life without Christ. I knew that although I had been going to Bible study and learning about God at CRU meetings, I did not have Christ in my life.

Then he explained what it’s like to have Christ in your life. I wanted everything that he described. I was ready to ask Jesus to come into my life.

That night I prayed and accepted Christ’s death on the cross as the payment for my sin. I accepted His love and forgiveness. And not only did I look forward to experiencing life with Christ, but I also knew that I would experience Christ -- after death -- for eternity.

I love telling others the story of my own spiritual journey from life-without-Christ to life with Christ. Often, I can connect with other peoples’ stories as I share about my health, nagging questions, and decision to ask Christ to come into my life.

And I find no greater joy than seeing others make that same decision to accept God’s free gift of salvation by asking Jesus to come into their lives.

Would You Like To Know God Personally?

Alli is an Intern with Campus Crusade for Christ at Oregon State University. She is planning on joining the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ this summer.  

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