Can I Be Forgiven?

In Luke 7, Jesus explains that the more a person is forgiven of, the more grateful that person will be. 
Here are the stories of some who know that to be true.

The Choice Between Jesus and Family

The Choice Between Jesus and Family

Ethiopian Tariku Fufa was kicked out of his house when he became a Christian. Here’s how God redeemed his life and family.

Despite Loving Christian Parents, I Left the Faith

Despite Loving Christian Parents, I Left the Faith

When I was about 15, I consciously and purposefully shut the door on God.

A Porn Star Changed Her Life Through Christ

A Porn Star Changed Her Life Through Christ

“If her life as a porn star could be changed completely then anyone can be changed.”

I forgot about God

I forgot about God

“I didn’t talk with God or pray anymore. I totally forgot about Him. It was then that my life started going downhill.”

Does My Sin Keep Me From God?

Does My Sin Keep Me From God?

A cadet learns that he is forgiven because of what Christ has done for him, not by what he has done for Christ.

I Felt Guilty for Keeping a Secret

I Felt Guilty for Keeping a Secret

"While held to secrecy from telling the truth about my friend's death, I found hope."

I Couldn't Forgive Myself

I Couldn't Forgive Myself

Teresa Keith of Edinburgh, Scotland, recalls the moment she discovered forgiveness.

God's Plan for the Family

God's Plan for the Family

One couple's story of rebuilding their marriage in the Ukraine.

My Story: Bryan Ingvaldson

My Story: Bryan Ingvaldson

"I wasn't quite sure how I could come to God. I thought I needed to clean myself up, so then I could accept Christ."

Your Turn

Would you like to know God personally?

What does it take to begin a relationship with God? These principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ.

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