My Story: How My Life Changed

The Simple Way God Knocked Down My Roadblocks

Air Force Mission Commander: How I Became a Christian

Andrew Emery with Sarah Freyermuth

Some years back, I was in a lonely place. My girlfriend had broken up with me. I wasn't living near my family, and my friends were busy. I was working the night shift.

I had no spiritual interest. I believed there was a God, but I didn't think He had much to do with my life on a personal level.

The Search Started with People

One of my friends realized where I was, spiritually. I talked with him about my preconceptions about religion. But he had an answer that made me think twice about why I believed what I believed.

I set out trying to confirm the things about which I felt so sure. For example, it seemed impossible for people to live for several hundred years, as the Bible says they once did. I went about it from a scientific perspective trying to answer questions that held me back. Slowly these roadblocks were knocked down.

I Found Answers Online

I was looking for information online, following one idea to the next. Somehow I found myself on the online version of The Four Spiritual Laws booklet. I read through it, agreeing that we've fallen short of God’s standard and that there's nothing we can do on our own to reach it. We need to accept Christ as Savior – to let Him meet that standard for us. Salvation is a free gift.

I thought, "I'm always going to have a roadblock, and God is always going to knock it down. So there is no reason to wait and push this decision off any longer." It was simple, really, how God led me to this realization.

I Made My Decision

I prayed the prayer to receive Christ at the end of the booklet, crying for the first time in a long time. My tears were for the overwhelming joy that I was experiencing. It felt like a huge burden had been taken off my shoulders. This turning to God by faith was a real experience, a real moment, a real connection with Him I had never had in life before.

Next: Would You Like to Know God Personally?

Andrew Emery is an Air Force veteran and an airframe and powerplant mechanic in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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