My Story: How My Life Changed

Bald Indicator

Seeing the condition of people around us.

Kristin Woodard

My friend took the electric razor across my head again as hair fell to the ground. "There, now you have a mohawk," she said through giggles. After two months of chemo, my hair was starting to fall out, and it was time to finish the job. A few more swipes with the razor and I was bald.

That morning, my hair looked relatively normal, yet now I ventured out with my head covered by a scarf–the common look of a cancer patient.

Immediately people noticed and asked questions with concerned looks. They were well-meaning, but I was thinking, I'm the same as I was this morning; the cancer hasn't changed. Now I just look sick. A girl with no hair suddenly made people aware of my illness and my need for help.

Then it hit me: There are people all around me who are sick, but I don't see it. They have a spiritual illness–they are actually spiritually dying. "For the wages of sin is death." Paul writes in Romans 6:23, "but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Without Christ they are spiritually sick and, just like cancer, it can be a terminal illness. Yet often they look and act like me, seemingly in control of life and not needing assistance in any way.

I need to learn to view people around me as spiritual cancer patients, everyone just as in need of God, regardless of their physical condition.

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