My Story: How My Life Changed

New Believer Organizes Successful Denver Outreach

Ed, a new believer, helped organize an outreach and now mentors others, too.

Nick DeCola

The silence was deafening. All eyes stared at the floor.

The occasion for the awkward silence was a request for a volunteer to direct a breakfast outreach sponsored by Cru’s city ministry in Denver, a ministry that seeks to advance the mission of Jesus for the well-being of the city.

Ed Lee had just been invited to be a part of the leadership team in Denver. Now he found himself raising his hand.

Ed was volunteering to lead the entire outreach, even though he’d only been a Christ-follower for a little over two years. Ed knew that he wanted his life to count for more than just another heartbeat.

Ultimately, 185 people attended the breakfast that Ed and his team organized, which featured NBA Hall of Famer David Thompson.

What is even more exciting is that 46 people requested more information about how to know God personally.

Gary Fuller, who helps lead Cru’s city ministry in Denver, says, “Our mission is to engage leaders to live out their calling for the well-being of their city, leading to city transformation. Ed is a wonderful example [of that].”

Gary helped lead Ed to Christ and mentored him in the faith, and now Ed is meeting with three other men to develop them spiritually.

“I love to be a tool that God uses,” says Ed. “Being involved in men’s lives and with Cru Denver is a great place to give back. It’s really fulfilling.”

Read more about incorporating your faith at work.

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