My Story: How My Life Changed

My Story: Kristen Sass

How a Texas Tech junior finds that the best priority is God.

Kristen Sass with Jan Stewart

Ever since I was little I had been going to church for Sunday school and services. I felt that it was another thing to check off my list of things to do rather than actually going because I wanted to go.

Then when I got to college at Texas Tech University, I was always busy, running around, stressed out with my life.

I was in many college clubs, activities, and on the President’s List. I was concerned about what my résumé would look like.

My life revolved around social aspects and my sorority Zeta Tau Alpha.

I thought the more I was involved in, the happier I would be. But I wasn’t enjoying anything because I was in so many things. I wasn’t able to be fully involved in any one thing. I just wasn’t having any time to myself, with any time to think.

One day while at lunch, I met Misty Cook, a Campus Crusade staff member. When we talked about spiritual things, I was able to relax and be myself.

In November 2010, I committed my life to Christ when talking to Misty. It was hard realizing that Christ needed to be first in my life instead of myself. Since I have, I realize He is always with me.

I got my priorities in line now, putting Christ first instead of myself.

My whole mindset changed, which is inspiring; with a new drive in a completely different way. My time and talents can be used for so much more than I ever thought they could be.

My life is still busy. I just need to trust in Him and He’ll show me the way. 

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Kristen Sass is a junior at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. She has a double major in Marketing and Management. Her dream job would be in Sports Marketing for the PGA tour.

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