My Story: How My Life Changed

My Story: From Lonely to Loved

Fernanda Delgado with Emilie Vinson
My Story: Fernanda Delgado

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I never knew my dad. He and my mom divorced before I turned 1.

After my mom and I moved to the United States from El Salvador, she remarried, and I finally felt like I had a family. But my relationship with my stepdad was never good.

I desired love from a father. I wanted that special father-daughter relationship. I wanted to be loved, so I looked to create my identity outside of my family.

I needed the approval of those around me.

But nothing filled that hole.

My junior year of high school, my mom and stepdad got divorced.

I was angry, confused, hurt and unwanted. I turned to boys, alcohol and drugs to find approval. Substances became my escape.

My need for acceptance was only met with hurt. It was during this time that I was raped.

I was at my lowest point. There was no one I could turn to. I desperately wanted a father to protect and love me.

I felt worthless and became convinced this was all life had to offer.

During my second week of college, I was invited to Cru at the University of Central Florida, where I signed up for a small group. I left feeling surprisingly good.

I listened as the other women joyfully spoke of a “Savior.” I wanted what they had.

Each week I attended the small group, I learned more from these women. The gospel began to make sense to me, and it was only a few months before I was ready to make the decision to follow Christ. It was over Christmas break that I became aware of the weight of sin in my life and my need for a savior.

It was as if a blindfold had been removed from my eyes. I was able to see and understand why I needed Jesus and that He loved me. It was then that I accepted Christ into my life.

I’ve come to understand that I have a Heavenly Father who is crazy about me. He genuinely knows me and cares for me!

Because of Christ’s death on the cross, I have been forgiven and live a life of freedom in Christ. I no longer turn to temporary things to find my value.

I now know that my worth and identity lie fully in my Heavenly Father.


Where Do You Find Your Value?

Feeling valuable can influence your emotions, decisions and mental well being, so finding your value in things that last is important. Are the things you find your worth in satisfying you?

Sign up for our email series to learn more about placing your value in things that are truly satisfying.


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