Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

God's Immeasurable Riches

Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand" (Romans 5:2).

Bill Bright

Baron Fitzgerald was a wealthy Englishman who had an only child, a son whom he dearly loved. The son became very ill. After many sleepless nights, the baron buried his son.

Through the years, Baron Fitzgerald had acquired a masterful art collection from around the world. Since he had no heir, the baron left instructions in his will that an auction should be held at the time of his death to sell his entire collection.

After the baron passed away, his collection was displayed in preparation for the auction.

One piece received little attention. It was a painting of low quality by an unknown, local artist -- a portrait of the baron's son.

The first painting to be auctioned was the portrait of "my beloved son."

The auctioneer asked for a bid. After many uncomfortable moments, a thin voice broke the stillness. An old servant who had known the son and loved him offered the sole bid.

The auctioneer rapped his gavel and asked the attorney to read again from the will. The crowd hushed.

To the astonishment of everyone, the attorney read these words: "'Whoever buys the painting of my son receives my entire art collection.' The auction is over!" Because that old servant simply loved his master's son, he received an inheritance worth millions.

We too have received a bountiful inheritance through God's beloved Son -- Jesus. If we love Jesus and give Him our lives, we will obtain the immeasurable riches of an inheritance in heaven and a supernatural life on earth.

Your View of God Really Matters …

If you received a great inheritance that you neither deserved nor expected, how would you feel toward your beneficiary? Ponder the inheritance God has given you. How will you respond today?

Because God is a personal Spirit,
I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.

Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.

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