Prepare for Christmas with this 14-day interactive Advent devotional

Day 7 - Anna

Vivian Mabuni

Responding to God's unique plan for you.

And at that very moment, she came up and began giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Luke 2:38 (ESV)
Today's Passage – Luke 2:36-38 (ESV)

Three short verses cannot adequately capture a lifetime. However, three short verses can convey a tremendous amount of truth. Today we are introduced to the 84-year-old prophetess, Anna. A widow for some 50 years, she spent the bulk of her life serving God in the temple.

During New Testament times women found their identity primarily around being a wife and mother. Anna’s life didn’t follow “Plan A” and likely neither will your life or mine. Rather than shaking her fist at God over her circumstances, Anna surrendered to a lifetime of seeking God and speaking of Him to all who were looking. Her investment in her relationship with God kept her heart from bitterness. She gave thanks to God. She recognized Messiah. She continued to speak of Him. Anna’s heart posture is a refreshing example of a yielded life.

We cannot control our circumstances but we can decide how we will respond.


  • Have you experienced the derailing of your “Plan A?” What has Anna's example taught you that you can utilize next time that happens?
  • Reflect on your current circumstances. Are you able to... Give thanks to God? Recognize Jesus at work in your life? Speak of Him to all who are looking?

Prayer Moment

Ask God to give you a heart posture of willingness to allow the Spirit to direct and empower our response to your circumstances.

Vivian Mabuni | Mission Viejo, CA

Vivian is a speaker and author of Warrior in Pink, and currently serves on the National Executive Team of the Epic Movement, the Asian American ministry of Cru.

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