Prepare for Christmas with this 14-day interactive Advent devotional

Day 8 - Zechariah

Matt Mikalatos

God is more beautiful and impossible than we can imagine.

...The rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.

Luke 1:78-79 (NIV)
Today's Passage – Luke 1: 5-25, 57-80 (NIV)


Zechariah and his wife were grey-haired, wrinkled, dried out, half-mummified humans. They weren’t about to have a baby, and certainly not some super prophet from God. 

When Zechariah asked for proof of this impossible thing, the angel Gabriel gave him nine months of silence. 

During those months of listening, Zechariah comes to realize that God slowly teaches us to believe the impossible so that we can believe even greater, more impossible things are coming. 

When Zechariah can speak again, he says something that even the angel didn’t say: This boy, John, is proof that the savior of the whole world is coming. Someone better than you can imagine. He will be like the sunrise to a terrified midnight village. He will be the light that sends the shadow of death packing. 

He will bring us peace. He will bring us peace!

What could be more impossible, more beautiful, more hoped-for than that?


What promises or commands of God seem impossible to you? Write out a list. Come up with an order of impossibility, from most impossible to least impossible.

  • Take a couple of the “least impossible” things and discuss: what would it take for me to really believe this?
  • What does peace mean to you? If Jesus truly came to “bring us peace” how is that reflected in stories we know about him?

Prayer Moment

Do you feel “worthy” of God’s love? Or does it trouble you to hear that you are favored, that he loves you, and that he wants you involved in his plans?

Take this time to lift these concerns up to him in prayer...

Go Deeper

A wonderful quote about peace by theologian Frederick Beuchner. This is worth some time and quiet reflection, and a great quote to share on social media!

Check out this amazing story of “The Christmas Truce” of WWI.

Matt Mikalatos | Portland, OR

Matt is on staff with Cru. He is also the author of several books including Into the Fray and My Imaginary Jesus.

Related Topics:
Luke 1 Advent

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