
Christmas is Over — What Happens Now?

Faith Eng


It’s natural to think about God at Christmastime since it’s the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Christmas can be a great time for spiritual growth, but what happens when Christmas is over?

God's plan to rescue humanity doesn't end with Jesus' birth at Christmas.

Maybe you’ve read about God’s rescue mission to save humanity, about Advent, about why we need rescued or about how the rescue mission begins at Christmas and ends at Easter. Now what?

First, decide what it means for you. Jesus rescued us so we could have a relationship with God. A true relationship requires a conscious choice from both parties. God has made His choice and is offering you a relationship with Him; will you choose to accept it?

If you want to start a relationship with God, just tell Him. You don’t have to use any fancy words; prayer is simply talking to God.

Our wrongdoings are what separate us from God, who is perfect. Confess to God that you’ve done wrong. Acknowledge that you need God to rescue you. Thank Jesus for sacrificing Himself so you can have a relationship with God. Ask God to work in your life and guide you.

Learn more about starting a relationship with God.

If you’re not ready to start a relationship with God right now, your journey isn’t over. Continue to seek out the truth about God. Christmas is only a small part of the bigger picture of the Bible. Continue your exploration of God’s rescue plan:

Whether you’re still exploring or you’ve started a relationship with God and want to know more about your Rescuer, a great next step is to read the Bible. The Bible is God’s message for people, so it’s the most direct way to learn more about God and His plan for humanity.

Check out this overview of the Bible and explore the Bible more using this guide and reading plan.

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