
3 Ways Busy People Can Give the Gift of Their Time

3 Ways Busy People Can Give the Gift of Their Time

The holidays are coming up, and your to-do list is already full. You know it’s important to give and share, but how will you find the time?

 6 Tips to Start Holiday Traditions of Your Own

6 Tips to Start Holiday Traditions of Your Own

Do you want to establish your own traditions with your family and friends this holiday season? Here are six ways to help you do just that.

Celebrate a “First” This Christmas

Celebrate a “First” This Christmas

This Christmas you can introduce someone to Jesus in a fresh way. 


Outreach Ideas for Christmas

Outreach Ideas for Christmas

Consider creative ways to help people see Christ in Christmas this holiday season.


12 Ideas for Christmas

12 Ideas for Christmas

Use the Christmas season to serve and talk to others about Christ.

How to Talk about Christmas

How to Talk about Christmas

Here are 5 questions related to the topic of Christmas that you might find of value.

4 Things That Will Stop You From Going Broke Over the Holidays

Don’t let your holiday spending get out of control. These four tips will help you rein in your spending and let you focus on making your Christmas more meaningful.

How to Thrive in Your Siberia

5 tips that I learned the hard way about flourishing during dark days

6 Expectations That Will Ruin Your Holiday This Year

We all have holiday expectations, but we’re not always aware of what they are. Find out what yours are and what to do with them.

Awaken to God's Love

Darryl Smith, National Director of the High School ministry, eats a Sweet Potato pie and explains how the Christmas Story demonstrates God's love.

Christmas is Over — What Happens Now?

Christmas is a great time for spiritual exploration. Because of its connection to Christianity, it makes sense to take time to think about God. Your spiritual journey doesn’t have to end when the decorations are packed up for the year. Here are some next steps for continuing your exploration of God.

Christmas: When God Fixed What Was Broken

The fulfillment of Christmas is found in restored relationships. But how could one small child mend our status with God?

Gift Guide: What Gifts Can You Give That Make a Difference?

Looking for gifts that give back? Check out this gift guide!

God to The Rescue: Christmas Is Just the Beginning

What is Christmas really about, and why do Christians care so much? How does it fit into the story of the Bible?

Quiz: How Much Holiday Spirit Do You Have?

Take our quiz to find out how you really feel about Christmas!

How To Be Present During the Holidays

Does the holiday season bring too much busyness, stress and disappointment? Do you long for a different kind of experience? Here are six tips to help you be more present over the holidays.

How to Focus on Heaven, Not Self, This Holiday Season

Here are some helpful reminders for times when you get caught up with to-do lists or find yourself focusing on things rather than God or family around the holidays.

Immanuel: God Is With Us?

Neil Downey compares the week between Christmas and New Year's Day to our current era in history - the time between Christ's first and second coming.

Merry Christmas from Cru

Cru staff members wishing you a Merry Christmas in their heart language.

What Are We Being Rescued From?

Did Christ come to rescue us from a messy world full of injustice, fear and political unrest or was it something else?

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