Study Guide

Learn more about how to be effective in evangelism using these study guides.

Bill Bright

Self-Study Guide

  1. What do these verses say about feelings as related to living the Christian life?
    a. Galatians 3:11
    b. Romans 14:21, 23
    c. John 14:23
  2. Do you have an evangelistic prayer list? Will you claim God's promise for answers by pledging with Him to pray for others daily?
  3. 3. In what sense is sharing the gospel a demonstration of your love for others?
  4. What are some things that may keep you from talking to others about Jesus?
  5. Why is it important for you to take the initiative to share Christ instead of waiting for non-believers to come to you?
  6. Why is it essential to first talk about Jesus rather than other issues (i.e. joining a church, apologetics, etc.)?
  7. What does God say about His Word? How does this affect your view of evangelism?
    a. Colossians 1:5, 6
    b. Isaiah 55:11
    c. Ephesians 1:13
    d. Hebrews 4:12
  8. What does John 4:35 mean? How does it apply to you?
  9. What is one essential ingredient needed to please Christ? (See Hebrews 11:6)
  10. Each of us has moments when we don't feel like sharing our faith. Identify your feelings -- fear, inadequacy, self-consciousness, etc. -- that often keep you from witnessing. What steps will you take in the coming week to overcome these feelings?
  11. What does it mean to "expect results from God" as you witness? What are the consequences of not expecting results?
  12. List five people you know who have not received Christ as their Savior and Lord. What steps will you take this week to introduce them to Jesus Christ?

Group Discussion Questions

  1. Share briefly how you personally received the assurance that Christ had come into your life. What steps led to your trusting Christ? How could this be helpful in sharing Christ with others?
  2. List and discuss Scripture verses which you think are especially helpful in giving a person an assurance of his salvation.
  3. Discuss the relationship between a consistent daily prayer life and a sensitivity to the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Find examples in the Book of Acts where the early Christians were filled with the Spirit. How did their subsequent action demonstrate joy? What was the impact on their witness?
  5. People today face tight schedules with limited amounts of time. With your group, think of creative ways that a Christian can maximize his time to give witnessing for Christ top priority.
  6. You have heard "Success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God." Share with your group how this statement can be a source of encouragement to you. If you talk to someone in the power of the Holy Spirit and that person does not receive Christ, why should you call that "successful witnessing"?
  7. When you are witnessing, why is it important to talk about Jesus Christ? Does this mean that you are never to talk about politics, the church, business, or other things when you are telling others about Christ? (See Romans 10:9, 14 ; John 1:12)
  8. Why is faith on your part important in bringing others to Christ? Discuss how your faith works in the lives of the people you talk to. How do you use faith to fight against your spiritual enemies? (See Ephesians 6:10-18; Hebrews 11:6)
  9. Is there any one country, people group, or segment of society with which God has especially burdened you? Share this with your group. In addition to praying faithfully, what are some other steps you can take to reach these people for Christ? Discuss a strategy for teaching these goals.

Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Be A Fruitful Witness, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Campus Crusade for Christ. All rights reserved.


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