The Wonderful News of the Spirit-Filled Life

Many Christians Simply Don’t Know

Bill Bright

The senior pastor of one of America’s leading churches came to talk with me after my message on “How to Be Filled With the Spirit.” He said, “My life will never be the same after tonight! I have been a pastor for more than 20 years, but until now, I have never understood how to be empowered and controlled by the Holy Spirit as a way of life. I can hardly wait to share this with my church members.”

A retired businessman and his wife came to my office from halfway across the continent to share their excitement. “Our lives were totally changed when we learned how to be filled with the Holy Spirit as a result of your ministry. Now we are sharing Christ with others wherever we go.”

They handed me a generous check with this request. “We have come to ask you to share on television how to be filled with the Holy Spirit with millions of others. We are eager for other Christians to experience the reality of the Holy Spirit in their lives as He is in ours.”

At the conclusion of one of my lectures, a man came rushing down the aisle. “This is the greatest thing I have ever heard in my life!” he began. “Today I have been liberated!” This man was on 12 boards of various Christian organizations. He exclaimed, “I have been trying to serve God so diligently that I practically ignored my business and my family. I have been trying to serve God in the energy of the flesh. I understand now why I have been so miserable and so unproductive!”

These people were all liberated from what I believe is one of the greatest afflictions in the body of Christ today. This blight is at the core of all the problems hurting the body of Christ throughout the world. The sickness I am speaking about is the epidemic of worldliness or carnality.

© 1999 Bill Bright, © 2009 Bright Media Foundation and Campus Crusade for Christ International. All rights reserved. Adapted from Bill Bright, “How You Can Be Filled With The Holy Spirit,” Transferable Concept 3 (Peachtree City, GA; Cru).



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