How You Can Witness Effectively: Finishing Well

A personal choice is the most important part.

Bill Bright

Some time ago I was speaking to a group of pastors in Dallas. Skeptical that such a simple approach as the Four Spiritual Laws would communicate with college students, a university chaplain asked if I would go with him to the nearby university campus to demonstrate how to use the Four Spiritual Laws booklet with non-Christian students. He gathered about a dozen students, most of whom were Christians. I gave them each a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws booklet and asked them to follow along silently as I read the booklet aloud.

Although I have shared Christ with thousands of students and lay people in individual counseling sessions through the years, I am a rather reserved person and do not always find it easy to witness.

As I sat there reading the booklet aloud to the students, I began to receive all kinds of negative impression from the devil who was trying to discourage me and put doubts into my mind such as, "These students will laugh at you. They are too intelligent to be responsive to such a simple presentation. You need a more intellectual approach. Don't go too far; don't be a fanatic. These students will be turned off. They will think you are crazy."

But knowing that I am free from Satan's power as I obey and simply trust the Lord, I could say, "Greater is He (Christ) who is in me than he who is in the world (Satan)." So I kept on reading, knowing from experience that God would honor this presentation as He has on thousands of other occasions, for He has promised to honor His Word.

When I came to the prayer, it suddenly seemed that a chorus of voices was saying to me, "You are not going to read this prayer and make a fool of yourself before these intelligent students, are you?" But I read the prayer, and then I said, "If this prayer expresses the desire of your heart, pray it with me silently. Make it your own prayer."

Then I read the prayer aloud a second time. When I finished the prayer, I looked up and saw tears running down the cheeks of one of the young women. She came up to say that she had prayed that prayer and knew that the Lord Jesus had come to live in her heart. Later a young man came to receive Christ.

Before I left, the chaplain introduced me to a young woman who had just received Christ, too. As far as I know, all the rest except one were Christians. The remaining one had been reared as an atheist, but was sobered by what he had heard and was also on the verge of receiving Christ. Through the simple reading of the gospel as contained in the Four Spiritual Laws booklet, the Spirit of God worked in the hearts of these young men and women in a marvelous way. Often this is the experience of any Spirit-controlled person who shares this presentation.

Transitioning to the Point of Personal Decision

Generally, you will find that most people agree with the first three laws and are not likely to ask many, if any, questions. Thus, you can proceed to Law Four with confidence.

When you come to the two circles, one representing the self-controlled life, the other the Christ-controlled life, ask the question contained in the booklet:

"Which circle represents your life?"

Then ask:

"Which circle would you like to have represent your life?"

In most cases the one with whom you are sharing will answer the first question, "The circle on the left," and the second question, "The circle on the right."

The Holy Spirit's work of producing a repentant attitude in a non-believer is a necessary preparation of receiving Christ. This change of attitude will result in a change of action. However, it should be clearly understood that you do not become a Christian because you repent but by the simple act of receiving Christ by faith as explained in John 1:12 and Ephesians 2:8, 9.

To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.

The next crucial point in sharing Christ is to help those who want to receive him as their Savior to know exactly what to do. As you continue to read from the booklet, explain how to receive Christ.
Read the prayer aloud and then ask, "Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?"

If the answer is "Yes," say, "You can pray this prayer right now if you really mean it, and Christ will come into your life as He promised. Then pause for prayer, and suggest that if the individual will pray aloud, you can pray with him or her.

If there is a long silence, you may suggest that the person pray after you phrase by phrase. Be sensitive, however. Don't offend by "forcing" the prayer. Some people wish to pray their own prayer rather than the suggested one. Should someone wish to pray silently, suggest he or she say "Amen" when finished. When he says, "Amen," you pray aloud for the new believer.

If the individual makes no commitment after you have read the booklet through the first time to this point, avoid offending the person. Don't try to argue or high-pressure anyone into making a "decision" for Christ. Jesus says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him."

Remember the Role of the Holy Spirit

The important thing is not what you do, but what the Holy Spirit does through you. You and I do not have the ability to introduce anyone to Christ by our own power. Remember, success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.

However, you can do several additional things to help the individual who does not pray and receive Christ when you have reached the prayer in the booklet:

  1. Always maintain a positive and loving attitude. You may wish to say, "Quite likely you will want to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior one day. Let me show you what will happen when you do invite Christ to come into your life."
  2. Proceed to explain how one can have assurance of salvation by reading the rest of the booklet.
  3. If the person responds positively, give him or her another opportunity to receive Christ by inviting the individual to pray with you. You will find that many will be ready to pray by the time you have read the entire booklet.

Some will want to pray then, while others may wish to pray at a later time after they better understand what is involved in receiving Christ. In this event:

  1. Suggest that the person reread the booklet later that day and decide to receive Christ at that time.
  2. Ask the person to call you as soon as he or she does so. Many people receive the Savior alone after your time together is over.

On one occasion I shared the Four Spiritual Laws booklet with a famous general who agreed with the content of the booklet but had never received Christ. He wanted to but had not done so. I agreed to pray with him, but he said that he would prefer to receive Christ when alone. I promised to pray for him and said good-bye.

The next morning I called him to inquire, "Did you pray that prayer?"

"I certainly did," he responded warmly and enthusiastically, "just as I promised I would."

Let me suggest two other methods that you might find helpful.

One is to share your own personal testimony and, as the Holy Spirit leads you, give another opportunity for the individual with whom you are sharing to receive Christ. Another is to simply review the booklet, explaining it clearly one law at a time and asking after each law, "Does this make sense?"


Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Introduce Others To Christ, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.

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