


Population: 19,958,351

Located in Western Africa, bordering the Bight of Biafra, between Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria

Map of Cameroon

Cameroon faces internal forces that could disable the nation like widespread corruption and deep divisions of language, politics and faith. Prayers have been answered bringing many significant professional, military, police and political leaders to faith in Christ, giving hope for changing this society infamous for corruption. Yet the spiritual poverty of the churches is the greatest tragedy. Nominal Christianity is a bigger problem in Cameroon than in most of Africa. There is a need for godly leaders well trained in the Scriptures.


How To Be Successful in Ministry: Lessons on What Works

The heritage of beginning on a campus ministry and sticking to the basics of win/build/send produces success for the mission in Cameroon.

The Prison

Evangelist Ernest Shugu Vegah and his team’s outreach in a Cameroon prison led to freedom in Christ for about 600 prisoners after watching a short film about the forgiveness of Jesus.

Passion in Cameroon

One man's journey with Jesus in Africa.

Day 1 -- Getting a Glimpse of Things to Come

Katie does not think of herself as an evangelist, but in the first entry of her 10-day account, she sees how God can use her.

Day 10 -- A Call to Return

Katie sums up her trip to Cameroon in day 10 of her 10-day journal.

Day 2 -- Dealing With the Unknown

Katie typically prepares ahead, but on Day 2 in her 10-day diary, she admits that God is in control, not her.

Day 3 -- Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Nearly 2 days after beginning her journey, writer Katie Croft arrives at her final destination in northern Cameroon.

Day 4 -- Plans Will Change

Even the best laid plans are bound to change. Day 4 of a mission trip to Africa provides opportunities for the unexpected to happen.

Day 5 -- The Unknown Angry Voice

Unexpected obstacles aren’t the only challenges faced by this team on a mission trip in Cameroon, Africa. Writer Katie Croft recalls an instance of spiritual warfare during a film showing.

Day 6 -- Lost in Translation

Katie gains a deeper understanding for the value of hearing something in your heart language while celebrating the new Peve language of the JESUS film.

Day 7 -- Not Everyone Is Here Short-Term

God uses short-term missionaries, like Katie, but tonight she learns the dreams of one man who stays behind long-term.

Day 8 -- Life Outside My Comfort Zone

On day 8 of a 10-day journal from a short-term mission trip to Africa, writer Katie Croft reflects on the change happening inside of her.

Day 9 -- Two Brave Women

Katie tells one of her favorite stories from her trip to Cameroon in this, day 9 of a 10-day journal.

God's Call Moves Man Around Africa

Moving from ministry to ministry throughout Africa means Kamate Basolene is a man without a country, but always a man with a mission.

Politics and Religion?

God is using Executive Ministries and one man’s position of influence in parliament to bring change to Cameroon.

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