
Day 7 -- Not Everyone Is Here Short-Term

After Katie completes her mission trip, Gilbert will stay behind to continue the work in Cameroon

Katie Croft
Photo by Katie Croft

Editor's Note: This is the seventh of 10 entries from writer Katie Croft.

Day 7

Gilbert has worked with Cru for 5 years.

His dry wit and personable nature make him easy to get along with. He and his wife of 2 years just had their first baby boy 2 months ago. They are the northernmost staff members in all of Cameroon.

That fact alone weighs heavy on Gilbert's heart because the vast majority of unreached tribes are in the north.

The tribe we are visiting tonight has a mixed spiritual background of African religions and only a small influence of Christians.

One of the purposes for our team's visit is to help Gilbert move the influence of the gospel farther into these unreached regions.

Gilbert Wants People to Speak His Language

This evening, I had a chance to talk with Gilbert (whom we also call Javeer) and was interested to hear about his dreams of building a training center in northern Cameroon.

As a native to northern Cameroon, Gilbert speaks both of the official languages of his country: French and English. But he also speaks Fulfulde, the language of the north.

The training center he envisions would equip Cameroonian Cru staff members to speak Fulfulde and enable them to translate Christian materials into a more useful language for the northern people.

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