
Day 10 -- A Call to Return

Reflecting on her mission trip in Africa, Katie considers returning next year

Katie Croft
Photo by Katie Croft

Editor's Note: This is the last of 10 entries from writer Katie Croft. She participated in a short term mission trip with The JESUS Film Project® to Cameroon, Africa.

Day 10

Up until now, ministry in Cameroon has been focused primarily on the cities and villages in the south. Our team has helped to push that line of influence northward into new areas where staff members have not been able to go.

The travel to get to there was extensive -- I spent over 100 hours in planes, trains and automobiles in the last 10 days. But I am certain that it was all worth it:

  • 3,245 Cameroonians in 9 different villages across the north heard the message of Jesus Christ in their own heart language
  • 582 indicated that they had made a decision to follow Jesus

What a significant adventure, to serve as pioneers, striking out to new lands within Cameroon, with a great message.

They Invited Us to Return

Emmanuel Ngeh, the director for Cru in the capital city Yaoundé, also said that our team was a great encouragement to the ministry of Cameroon.

He praised us for diving into the culture by trying different foods, loving the people in the villages and freely sharing stories of how Jesus is at work in our lives.

Unashamedly, Emmanuel asked for each of us to be listening for God's call to come back to Cameroon next year.

I have taken his challenge seriously.

What Made Me Most Alive

It was not comfortable or easy, but I am most alive when I step out in faith and trust God.

This trip presented many opportunities to do just that, and as a result I got to see God show up in amazing ways through the culture, the people and my teammates.

My view of God grew.

I'm seriously considering going on another trip with the JESUS film next year. Will you come with me? It would be an adventure and a privilege.

Let's go.

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