Impact Movement

A partnering ministry taking the truth of Jesus Christ to the campus, community and world by producing leaders of African American descent who are spiritually focused, financially responsible and morally fit.

Year Founded: 1991

Ministry Presence: On more than 60 campuses.

Encouraging College Students When It's Not Your Job

"Darnell J. Wilson climbed on a table and said, 'We are The Impact Movement. Who wants a free water bottle?' He started throwing bottles into the crowd. 'Surprisingly, people caught ‘em, but one person got hit in the head,' he said."

How “The Dream” Really Can Come True

It has been more than five decades since the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech was delivered. Yet none of us can say we have fully lived up to Dr. King Jr.'s vision.

Response to Ferguson: God’s love covers all

In moments like these, we in the household of faith must remember who God is and what is true so we can be guided through these turbulent waters. We are called by God to be salt and light in such very dark times.

Black History Month: “They need to hear our story.”

Tom Fritz talks about the history of African American Christians and their potential impact on the world.

Planting Seeds at Hampton University

African-American student trusts God to begin a student movement on the campus of Hampton University in Virginia.

Are you M.I.A.?

Impact Movement's annual national conference is a hallmark event. This event builds momentum, trains leaders, and gives newcomers a venue to join the movement. Presently, the Impact Conference has become a rallying point for those of African descent. Since its beginning in 1991, this conference has hosted more than 16,000 participants.

Give the Dream New Life - Page 2

Why is it still so difficult for us to embrace and live out Dr. King's dream, even more than 45 years later?

Finding Answers to a Decade-Old Question

A Howard University freshman hoping for a fresh start unexpectedly receives answers to questions carried for nearly a decade.

Give the Dream New Life - Page 3

Why is it still so difficult for us to embrace and live out Dr. King's dream, even more than 45 years later?

Her Song To Sing

LaDonna Wilburn wanted to quit the band before it gave its first performance.

Igniting a Fire for God

While in college, nationally-renowned Christian hip-hop artist Lecrae Moore experienced life change at a national conference for young African Americans.

How The Impact Movement Began

How The Impact Movement was born and what they seek to accomplish today.

Black College Students Gather

The conference provides opportunities for young people to gather with hundreds of their peers for biblical teaching, worship and training for making an impact in their spheres of influence.

College Grad Gives Coat to Stranger in Need

Cal State alum takes Jesus' words seriously during Washington DC outreach.

Chicago Impact

A 19-year old evangelist sees the heart of a "mean guy" soften during an Impact Movement outreach.


Steve Gaskin along with 5 others uses his talent of hip-hop rhythm and rhyme to speak the message of Jesus Christ.

A Cry of Hope, A Call to Action

Charles Gilmer explains the mission of the Impact Movement.


How to contact The Impact Movement including their mailing address, phone number and e-mail address, as well as hyperlinks for short-term mission and career opportunities

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