
L’Asie centrale

Sponsored by Ministères de cru en PA, NJ, MD, VA, WV, DE DC

Diverse ethnically and culturally, Central Asia has a unique blend of Muslim natives and Orthodox Russians, most of whom have never known an evangelical Christian and are hungry for truth and light. Hospitable and family-centered, Central Asians are loyal to their heritage, which means faith and culture are one and the same. Eager to know Americans and practice English, you will build friendships easily and have the opportunity to show them that there is one God for all peoples and that faith is about a relationship rather than ethnicity. With 36 unreached people groups and less than 1% evangelical Christian, these people need you to come and share the hope of the gospel with them. Believing students here are in a strategic place to reach other Muslim nations. Students mainly hear the Gospel through one-on-one conversations after trust is built through a relationship. Central Asians must overcome cultural difficulties and community rejection to come to Christ. Those students from a Russian background may consider themselves nominally Russian Orthodox Christian. Similarly, those from a local Central Asian background will see themselves as Muslim, but more nominally and culturally so rather than spiritually. Contact for more information.

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