
Afrique du Nord

Sponsored by Ministères de cru à MD, VA, DE DC

Even though less than one percent of this population believes in Jesus and many are actively opposed to Christianity, the relational and hospitable people make it easy to build friendships. And in those relationships, you will be able to share your faith with this community-oriented culture. In fact, it’s not uncommon to spend several hours at a friend’s house, sharing food and meeting family. Despite the many barriers to ministry and belief in Jesus, God’s Spirit is bringing students into relationship with Him. Seven students here are learning how to follow Christ, and the staff are beginning to figure out what it looks like to have a group of national believers. God is at work here, though the changes are slow. The country is 99% Muslim, and ministry decisions and conversations have to be made very carefully. Though it is not hard or illegal to have a spiritual conversation here, the bulk of ministry is carried out through loving friends well and including them deeply in the staff and students’ lives. Only then is there enough trust to bring someone to the point of decision. The people of Sam’s must overcome cultural difficulties, community rejection, and the potential of beating or arrest to come to Christ.

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