
Australie - Melbourne

Sponsored by Ministères de cru en PA, NJ, MD, VA, WV, DE DC

Want to reach the whole world, but only have time to go to one place? Go to Australia! Students from all over the Pacific Rim and Asia study at universities “down under.” At some of the most prestigious universities in the country and the world, you will get into deep discussions with talkative international students as well as easy-going Aussies, most of whom lack any sort of spiritual background. You will also connect with Jesus-following Australians, who are excited to reach their campuses and their partnerships (Japan, Papua New Guinea, West Asia) for Christ. Now active on multiple campuses in Australia, the Gospel reaches students here through the relationships locals have with students and staff. It’s hard to break through the spiritual apathy found among students, but after becoming believers, Australians are fiercely loyal and dedicated laborers. Contact for more information.

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