The Only Source of Real Power

Bill Bright

“Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you” (Ephesians 5:18).

A senior pastor from one of America's leading churches came to talk with me after hearing my message on "How to Be Filled With the Spirit." This Christian leader told me, "Dr. Bright, my life will never be the same after tonight, I have been a pastor for more than twenty years, but until now, I have never understood how to be empowered and controlled by the Holy Spirit as a way of life. I can hardly wait to share this with my church members."

I was telling him something every Christian should already know. What could be more basic to the believer than the filling of the Holy Spirit? Yet I find that most Christians live in the darkness of their own human efforts to live up to God's standards. This is a struggle that will always end in defeat and frustration.

Our gracious and awesome Savior and Lord never meant for us to attempt in our feeble abilities what He can do through us with His unlimited supernatural power.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

Do you lack God's power in your life? Has anyone ever explained to you how to be filled with God's Holy Spirit? If you want to learn more go to Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?

Because God is all-powerful,
He can help me with anything.

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